Here is the gentle truth about sexual performance anxiety – I send this video with love and care, and hopeful blessings for you! If you are on this blog’s front page click on this article’s title, or else just click this link…
How To Build Trust In A Relationship
Don’t buy into the lie that you can never really know if you can totally trust your partner – you absolutely can create this state of complete trust between you.
This article will help you build unshakeable, rock-solid trust in your relationship- the kind where you both know that you would never hurt or betray each other, or be selfish, or unkind.
Come on: anything less than total emotional trust feels like crap – and your relationship is not supposed to feel like crap! (even though lots of couples live that way anyway. But that doesn’t mean that you should.)
Trust means emotional safety – and that’s the whole point of a committed intimate relationship. Without total trust, the relationship never becomes truly and deeply fulfilling.
So how do you get there?
I’ll give you a few simple rules.
RULE #1: No “Eggshell” Topics
This means that absolutely no topics are off-limits to comfortable, loving discussion.
Not in-laws or family, not hygiene, not bathroom habits – not any of each other’s habits! – not sex, not kids, not the past, the future, or the present. In fact, the whole relationship basically breaks down at the point where the two of you can’t – comfortably and lovingly – discuss any topic.
Learning how to easily discuss “eggshell” topics is a skill set that can save your relationship. It is a topic all its own that I will address in other posts, but for now you must identify what these topics are –
And commit within yourself to learning how to talk about them – always and only with sincere care and respect for each other!
RULE #2: Never Put Down Your Partner
The truth is that your partner may do or say things that are stupid, selfish, mean, frustrating, time-wasting, unattractive, or that even seem repulsive to you either morally or aesthetically – AND YET – you are still not allowed to put them down for it –
Does that mean you have to accept words and actions that are totally unacceptable? NO!
It means that you learn the skill of drawing boundaries for what you will not accept without de-valuing them as a human being – here’s what that means:
There is a huge difference between communicating to your partner (with your words or your energy) “That thing you just did or said sucks – but I still support you” vs. “That thing you just did or said sucks, and so do you!”
It’s the attitude behind your words and actions that matter!
Look: the basic assumption behind any trusting relationship is that both of you are basically good people who make lots of mistakes, like everybody else – like you yourself, right?
And just like you want to feel safe to make mistakes – and just like you want to hear constructive criticism so you can improve yourself, without feeling judged or put down – you are responsible for extending that same form of safety to your partner.
RULE #3: Stay Connected by Talking, Touching, Texting – and doing nice things.
In a trusting relationship you never have to wonder what your partner is thinking or feeling – because they are always telling you, and showing you – and you are doing the same!
There is nothing sweeter.
The whole reason you are in a relationship is because you want a partner, right? A combination of best friend and lover, where you journey with each other to discover the best life you can live, and the best version of yourself you can be.
This happens by connecting: talking, touching, texting, doing nice things for each other, asking each other questions, sharing thoughts and feelings and experiences together.
I get it: you might be at the point in your relationship where this all sounds great in theory, but you may not be sure how to actually create it in your life.
Don’t worry – this kind of connection can be created, even if it seems out of reach at the moment. You first must decide that you want it, and then resolve to learn how.
Creating this kind of connection is a skill that can be learned, which I will address in detail in other posts. But for now, you simply need to understand that this dynamic is necessary to create trust in a relationship – and then resolve within yourself to learn how.
Keep an eye peeled to this blog for me to get very specific and go into more details about exactly how to create this trust – and of course, if you think you need some more personal help – just get in touch with me – I’ll show you how!
Let me hear from you with questions or comments!
The Secret Reason Your Relationship Sucks During the Holidays (and how to fix it)
Do you love or hate the holiday season?
That might depend on what’s happening with your spouse or lover, right?
If you’re married or with a partner but you still feel empty and unfulfilled, then the holidays are just a swamp of piled-on activities, plodding tasks, pressures, expectations, and overlapping dramas – and it all feels so….mandatory, and inconvenient, and intrusive.
Is that you?
If your holidays are a stressful slog, but you can’t put your finger on the problem – well, I just might know:
It could be that you’re hooked on the stuff, and you don’t even know it – and this hidden addiction is all that stands in your way, between you and the holiday spirit.
Here are the facts you need:
Dopamine is a brain chemical that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centers; it also helps regulate emotional responses.
So when you’re longing for something, or even just wanting – a toy, a sushi roll, a social interaction, a loving touch – that whole process consists of flooding your brain with dopamine:
First the neediness, then the anticipation, and then finally: the attaining…getting a present, expecting a phone call…planning for sex…
These endless perpetual overlapping cycles self-generate all day and all night, through even the most mundane life activities.
Social media is a perfect example: whenever you keep checking your phone compulsively for new messages, or “likes,” or just scroll endlessly looking for something interesting – that’s you fiending for that dopamine “hit.”
In other words, dopamine is associated with addiction: the whole compulsive activity-reward-activity-reward-over-and-over mindless wanting…and you probably know that once the addictive cycle starts, it takes more and more to satisfy that endless black hole…
But even more importantly, this whole dopamine cycle isn’t just about the moment of reward – it includes the “build-up” as well: the act of driving to the “reward’s” location, or preparing the food before you eat it; of taking the works out of the secret drawer; of getting your chips and claiming your seat at the slot machine…or of looking down at your phone before you pick it up to check it….
In other words, not living in the “now” but in the future…and then – once the reward is delivered – experiencing sensation as a form of absence – an escape from being fully present and alive, letting this autonomous dopamine process take on a soul-destroying life of its own – again, not really being “now.”
But what does this have to do with you, and the holidays, and your love relationship?
Our society, our culture, has trained us to base our sense of fulfillment, of “rightness” on external phenomenon: on acquiring experiences and objects, on checking items both big and small off the list…
The stuff of life, right?
No – the stuff of living.
One of my great teachers, Barry Long, often spoke of the difference between living and life.
Living is activity. But life is love:
Love as fully present consciousness. Love as your nature, your essential state of being.
Love as the energy and the stillness that you and your partner share with each other, through expressions of touch and vocal tones, and radiating energy of attention, and awareness, and admiration, and appreciation.
All the holiday gatherings, all those to-do lists, and activities – if your life is full of them, but you do not feel the love inside of you, glowing peaceably like a pilot light – then you are stuck on a cycle of positive or negative reward that will endlessly occupy you but never truly fulfill you –
Even if your partner is right by your side the whole time.
And so right now, you need to call or text or grab your partner and say “Thank you for being in my life! I love you!” And from there keep opening more deeply, more sincerely, then ever before…
If this is something that is hard or unusual for you, then try this:
Think of a way that you love, or admire, or respect, or are grateful for your partner…find the place within you that feels that way…and speak from that place, put it into words:
“I am so thankful that you…”
“That is so cool that you…”
“That is so awesome that you…”
And feel the real feelings – the vulnerability, perhaps the awkwardness, perhaps the melting away of your hard defenses…
Touch them from that place, be with them in that space…
But if this is something you simply cannot comfortably do, please know that you will find the solution to feeling unfulfilled when you are ready to take the inner journey to create this connection with your partner, which is a process that people like me can help you with…
And which starts when you find the real love that is hidden like a treasure within your being – the deepest truth of who you are…
Which is also something I can help you with…
And when you find this, then all the infinite spinning hamster wheels, of dopamine-seeking, and never-quite-rewarding rewards, will break down and burn in the fire of your freedom, and wash far away in the ocean of love…
Meanwhile all the pressures and strains of the holiday season will dissolve in the light of your radiant essence…as sex becomes, not an activity in the future that you need, but an expression, in the now, of the living love that you always feel within…and that you and your partner share each moment, always together, even when physically separate…
The First Step For Married Couples To Stop Fighting
This is always the first thing anyone must learn to break through their old habits of fighting and arguing in their relationship – or in any life conflict, really…
What To Do If My “Stay Calm” Advice to Stop Fighting Doesn’t Work
Well, obviously if I’m putting quotes around “doesn’t work,” it means my advice really does work – and powerfully! But I get it: what if you take the initiative during a moment of high tension to be calm and caring, but they still keep coming at you like a wild man or woman? Don’t worry – just be patient, and watch this video…you’ll get it! If you are reading this from the blog front page, click the title of this article, or else just click this link right here…
How To Stop Letting Emotion Control Your Words
When tension breaks out between you and your partner, do anger and blame take you over – so totally! – that you can’t stop yourself from saying things that can only make it all worse – even if you are TOTALLY RIGHT? Here’s a little teaching that might help you out…to watch the video if you’re on this blog’s front page, click on this article’s title, or else just click this link.
Video Blog: “But I Didn’t Say That!” – (When Your Partner Goes Nuts Over Nothing!)
There you are, having a rational discussion, when suddenly your partner misinterprets something you said – and goes ballistic on you! Even worse, no matter how you explain, they CLING to their anger – they won’t listen to reason! Well, the next time this happens, just think about this: (from the front page of the Beyond Therapy blog, click on the title of this article, or else just click this link
Are You A Straight-Talker Or Just A Jerk?
When squabbles come up between you and your partner, are you a straight-talking truth-teller? Or is that just how you rationalize being mean? There is a better way, you know: you can actually handle these scenes in a way that brings you closer together, instead of creating a rift! If you are on this blog’s front page click the title of this article to watch the video, or else just click this link.
How To Heal Relationship Stress Using This ‘Psychic’ Method
OK, my title sounds pretty dubious – do you like the picture? – but no matter who you are, if you’re stressed out in your relationship, and you watch the video, you will know I speak only Truth about your problem – and the solution! If you are on the front page of the blog, click on this article’s title for the video, or else just click here to watch it.
Why Lovemaking Fails And How To Overcome It
You love each other – so why is it so weird? This could be the key….if you are on the blog front page, click on this article’s title to get to the video page, where you can click this link…