Are you ready to LOVE each other again?

– Let's Save Your Marriage! –

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We've healed hundreds of struggling marriages faster & more deeply than they ever thought possible.

Are you ready to ready to LOVE each other again?

Let's Save Your Marriage!

Relationship Remedy Logo

We've healed hundreds of struggling marriages faster & more deeply than they ever thought possible.

⬇︎Watch this Video NOW!⬇︎

⬆︎Watch this Video NOW!⬆︎

Rose drawing

Right now, I'm offering a

FREE 15 min. Consultation

*This premium Relationship Remedy™ service does not accept insurance.

Rose drawing
2 hearts intertwined
Relationship Results for Struggling Couples

If you and your partner are both caring and sincere –

Sensitive (well, usually)…

Intelligent (not necessarily book-smart)

Who want to improve personally & grow spiritually (whether you are “religious” or not)…

And you long to feel loving and relaxed with each other….

But instead –

You’re always fighting, arguing, anxious…walking on eggshells around each other, feeling uncomfortable, being passive-aggressive, making little digs…keeping things on the surface so you don’t have to really talk about anything, keeping busy to avoid each other –

Do I have to go on?

In my highly-trained clinical opinion,

That sucks!

It’s time for a change – don’t you think?

No matter how “stuck” you feel –

Healing and transformation are within your power!

The Program

With this program you are paying to get “un-stuck” fast!

Here’s What We’ll Do Together:

  • Make a fresh start, so you see each other – and yourself – through new eyes.

  • Infuse your relationship with hope and promise – and a joyful commitment to real teamwork.

  • Identify EXACTLY the things that keep you clashing – and fix them!
    No kidding – that’s the whole point, right?

  • No more “walking on eggshells” around each other, ever again – I’m not having it! We’ll dive right into all those topics you’ve been dancing around, and resolve them for good.

  • Create a living, breathing energy between you: of mutual love, caring, intimacy, trust, deep peace, fulfillment, playfulness – all the good stuff your heart has longed for!

  • Learn how to have stress-free intimacy with no weirdness – finally, right?

  • Establish the foundations, mindsets, and techniques you must master to have an amazing relationship. They are simple but powerful, and you will feel so much better! Don’t worry – you can do this!

  • Create special customized exercises, meditations, and activities to bring out your relationship’s full highest potential.

  • Establish a rock-solid, unshakeable connection between you – for life.

  • Learn how you can become exactly the man or woman you want to be – both within the relationship, and outside of it. That’s what happens when you get this stuff straight!

Right now, I'm offering a FREE 15 min. Consultation

Are you ready to get UN-STUCK?


*This premium Relationship Remedy™ service does not accept insurance.

We cannot express enough how grateful we are to have found Ray Rivers. To be honest, we were skeptical at first and kind of scared to commit to this non typical and nontraditional approach / setting. However, from the very first session, we felt a sense of genuine compassion and understanding that immediately put us last ease. Ray possesses a rare gift of empathy, coupled with a remarkable ability to listen without judgement.

Here’s How We Do It:

We Start With:

The Questionnaire 

  • FIRST: You each (separately) fill out my proprietary Questionnaire

    This is a game-changing deep dive that takes you on a powerful therapeutic journey.

    Clients repeatedly tell me that the questionnaire alone is a cathartic experience that generates epic personal breakthroughs and epiphanies!

    Your heartfelt answers supply me with the real in-depth story – from both sides, up front. This allows me to intuit your deepest needs, at a profound level, and create an extraordinary experience for our time together.

  • SECOND: I dive into your answers with love, care and my determined commitment to get you RESULTS. For as many days of heartfelt study as it takes – I don't stop until I am totally prepared and am certain that I know how to truly help you in the deepest way.


  • This is how I show up on DAY ONE – with answers, solutions and a strong foundation for moving forward and providing the superior support & guidance you deserve!

You'll say: "Ray nailed it! How'd he do that?"


The Day of Destiny

Your "BIG RESET" Sessions!

Here’s another twist that makes my program different:

Before we do couples sessions, we do some individual one-on-one sessions.

That’s right –

The Day of Destiny – "The Big Reset" – is NOT a couples session. It’s two extended individual sessions – just you and me, one-on-one – usually about 2 hours each.


Two hours with each partner:

So you can get it all out – without triggering each other.


Doesn’t that take all the pressure off? 🤗

So you can feel totally safe and totally heard –

And make sure that you and I are on the same page moving forward, and we trust each other – to take this journey all the way.

We jump right in to the most profound understanding you’ve ever had –

Of what’s really happening between you, and why – on the deepest level, beneath that painful stupid surface dance you’re doing –

And then I show you how to fix it forever: 

What to say, what to do

How to do it and say it

To end the drama and heal the trauma – 

And replace it all with LOVE, LIGHT and PEACE in your ❤️

We make sure at your"Big Reset" that you get the tools, training and support you need to walk out empowered and inspired

With practical personalized action steps to HEAL your communication, REPAIR your differences, and REJUVENATE your connection deeper than it’s ever been!

Sound too good to be true?
⬇︎Here's Another VIDEO to OPEN YOUR EYES! 👀⬇︎


The Fusion & Communion Session


Our first couples session – a two-hour integration of everything we’ve done so far:

We assess what’s needed to obliterate anything and everything in our way. You may be surprised to realize how many relationship issues are actually rooted in deeper lifelong patterns – that we can now finally heal – by learning how to truly, always, put love first.


Six More "Breakthrough-Only" Sessions!

These are 60-minute couples sessions – and I want a breakthrough every time!

  • We can double-up for 2-hour sessions if there’s a particularly complex issue.

  • We can mix it up with some additional individual sessions.

  • We can spread the sessions over a longer or shorter time period – no time limit or “expiration”.

  • Whatever guarantees you’re getting all the support you need!

Right now, I'm offering a FREE 15 min. Consultation

Are you ready to get UN-STUCK?


*This premium Relationship Remedy™ service does not accept insurance.

Ray studied us as individuals and as a couple. He focused on the issues that needed to be resolved and successfully helped us work through them. Thank you Ray for being so supportive and nonjudgmental through the whole journey. He really creates an atmosphere where you feel comfortable opening up.


Loads of Extras

  • All of these sessions are supported and supplemented by special customized exercises, meditations, activities, and even personal videos, to bring out your relationship’s full potential – your NEW BEST LIFE TOGETHER!

  • We will explore every aspect of your relationship:  

  • Communication

  • Finances

  • Intimacy

  • Parenting

  • In-Laws   

Look: 👀 None of your issues will “magically” disappear unless you work all the way through them – so that’s exactly what we’ll do!

We’ll craft an amazing, absolutely fulfilling union between you.

This is what we’ve all longed for – myself included – ever since we were young. I have it with my own wife, and it is all I wish for you.

So What’s the Investment?


  • To save your marriage and change your life forever!

  • Ray becomes your Personal High-Ticket Relationship Coach, guiding you masterfully through the powerful and complete journey – into breakthrough, healing and beyond – that you're so ready for!

  • With a full-refund guarantee – no games, no B.S. – if you’re not happy with my work, I don’t want your money! But don’t worry, we’ll vet each other carefully – I don’t want to waste my time or yours!

  • And if your marriage isn’t worth 5 grand…you should definitely split up! (even though that will cost you 10 or 20 times that!)

  • Look, for 5 grand you could go on a vacation – bring all your unresolved misery to a hotel room with a view... or you could buy a new T.V. or some furniture – but your marriage will still be broken... Why don't you just FIX IT!

  • Of course you have to do the work!

  • Of course you have to be willing to grow and change!

  • Of course it's a process, that some need more time with than others.

  • Of course each couple is unique –

But my commitment to you is that you will know exactly how to create the life of love you’ve been longing for – what a relief!

I have the smarts, the skills, and the hard-won experience to get right to the heart of what you need, and share it with you in a way that feels right and makes sense.

I will bring all of my professional and spiritual energies to your cause –

We’ll AWAKEN the LOVE and LIGHT that’s been buried between you –

And Break Through to Rock-Solid CARE and CONNECTION for LIFE!

Come on – it’s time!

Who This is NOT For:

Addicts, personality disorders, people that just don’t want to do the work, people that think it’s all their partners fault, people that think 5 grand is a lot of money to spend on this service, people that hope that paying for this program will "prove" to their partner they are not being shady even though they really are, people that don’t believe and aspire to love peace and harmony, people that don’t believe its possible to change & grow and become kind…

Right now, I'm offering a FREE 15 min. Consultation

Are you ready to get UN-STUCK?


*This premium Relationship Remedy™ service does not accept insurance.

Ray Rivers, LCPC

I’m Ray – the Founder of Relationship Remedy.

I’m a clinical psychotherapist, a Sufi master teacher, a speaker and writer – and I’ve been with my wife Maria for 30 years.

The word I keep hearing from my clients is "REFRESHING"

Because I don't waste time!

My gift is the speed and depth with which my couples achieve real breakthroughs.

I have the straight-talk, wisdom, intuition & step-by-step guidance you're looking for.

I keep telling you –


*This premium Relationship Remedy™ service doesn't accept insurance.

⬇︎Watch this Video NOW!⬇︎

⬆︎Watch this Video NOW!⬆︎

Right now, I'm offering a

FREE 15 min. Consultation

*This premium Relationship Remedy™ service does not accept insurance.

2 hearts intertwined
Relationship Results for Struggling Couples

If you and your partner are both caring and sincere –

Sensitive (well, usually)…

Intelligent (not necessarily book-smart)

Who want to improve personally & grow spiritually (whether you are “religious” or not)…

And you long to feel loving and relaxed with each other….

But instead –

You’re always fighting, arguing, anxious…walking on eggshells around each other, feeling uncomfortable, being passive-aggressive, making little digs…keeping things on the surface so you don’t have to really talk about anything, keeping busy to avoid each other –

Do I have to go on?

In my highly-trained clinical opinion,

That sucks!

It’s time for a change – don’t you think?

No matter how “stuck” you feel –

Healing and transformation are within your power!

The Program

With this program you are
paying to get “un-stuck” fast!

Here’s What We’ll Do Together:

  • Make a fresh start, so you see each other – and yourself – through new eyes.

  • Infuse your relationship with hope and promise – and a joyful commitment to real teamwork.

  • Identify EXACTLY the things that keep you clashing – and fix them! No kidding – that’s the whole point, right?

  • No more “walking on eggshells” around each other, ever again – I’m not having it! We’ll dive right into all those topics you’ve been dancing around, and resolve them for good.

  • Create a living, breathing energy between you: of mutual love, caring, intimacy, trust, deep peace, fulfillment, playfulness – all the good stuff your heart has longed for!

  • Learn how to have stress-free intimacy with no weirdness – finally, right?

  • Establish the foundations, mindsets, and techniques you must master to have an amazing relationship. They are simple but powerful, and you will feel so much better! Don’t worry – you can do this!

  • Create special customized exercises, meditations, and activities to bring out your relationship’s full highest potential.

  • Establish a rock-solid, unshakeable connection between you – for life.

  • Learn how you can become exactly the man or woman you want to be – both within the relationship, and outside of it. That’s what happens when you get this stuff straight!

I’m Ray– the founder of Relationship Remedy.

Headshot of Ray Rivers, LCPC

I’m a clinical psychotherapist, a Sufi master teacher, and I’ve been with my wife Maria for 30 years.

The word I keep hearing from my clients is "REFRESHING" – Because I don't waste time!

My gift is the speed and depth with which my couples achieve real breakthroughs.

I have the straight-talk, wisdom, intuition & step-by-step guidance you're looking for.

Schedule Now– You KNOW it's time!

*This premium relationship rescue service does not accept insurance.

Right now, I'm offering a

FREE 15 min. Consultation

*This premium Relationship Remedy™ service does not accept insurance.

Ray Rivers is an incredibly genuine professional who truly cares about his couples. He’s incredibly generous with his time and wants to see us succeed and we are so grateful to have him on our team. He provides not only advice but a genuinely caring ear to our issues. Thank you for the time, effort and passion you put into your work!

Here’s How We Do It:

We Start With:

The Questionnaire 

  • FIRST: You each (separately) fill out my proprietary Questionnaire

    This is a game-changing deep dive that takes you on a powerful therapeutic journey.

    Clients repeatedly tell me that the questionnaire alone is a cathartic experience that generates epic personal breakthroughs and epiphanies!

    Your heartfelt answers supply me with the real in-depth story – from both sides, up front. This allows me to intuit your deepest needs, at a profound level, and create an extraordinary experience for our time together.

  • SECOND: I dive into your answers with love, care & my determined commitment to get you RESULTS. For as many days of heartfelt study as it takes – I don't stop until I am totally prepared and am certain that I know how to truly help you in the deepest way. 

  • This is how I show up on DAY ONE – with answers, solutions and a strong foundation for moving forward and providing the superior support & guidance you deserve!

You'll say:
"Ray nailed it! How'd he do that?"

*Before I tell you about what comes next – take note – I also use your questionnaires to create a...


A Personal Relationship Report – Your Success Blueprint

A comprehensive, totally customized Analysis and Action Plan – presented on Day One, to guide you through our time together.

No guesswork, no confusion – you’ll never have to say (or disagree on) "What did Ray say?", or "What did Ray mean?"

Right there at your fingertips for reference, whenever you need: Step-by-step customized instructions, for your unique relationship on how to pivot every challenge into a genuine lasting breakthrough.

This bonus gift will empower you with hope and confidence: how to move forward with certainty to your "happily ever after".

Just like that – simplesophisticatedand thorough!

You’re feeling better just reading this, aren’t you? Good, I’m glad, because all I have for you is blessings of love, peace, and success –


The Day of Destiny

Your "BIG RESET" Sessions!

Here’s another twist that makes my program

Before we do couples sessions, we do some individual one-on-one sessions.

That’s right –

The Day of Destiny – "The Big Reset" – is NOT a couples session. It’s two extended individual sessions – just you and me, one-on-one – usually about 2 hours each.

Two hours with each partner:

So you can get it all out – without triggering each other.

Doesn’t that take all the pressure off? 🤗

So you can feel totally safe and totally heard –

And make sure that you and I are on the same page moving forward, and we trust each other – to take this journey all the way.

We jump right in to the most profound understanding you’ve ever had –

Of what’s really happening between you, and why – on the deepest level, beneath that painful stupid surface dance you’re doing –

And then I show you how to fix it forever:

What to say, what to do

How to do it and say it

To end the drama and heal the trauma

And replace it all with LOVE, LIGHT and PEACE in your ❤️

We make sure at your "Big Reset" that you get the tools, training and support you need to walk out empowered and inspired

With practical personalized action steps to HEAL your communication, REPAIR your differences, and REJUVENATE your connection
deeper than it’s ever been!

Sound too good to be true?

⬇︎Here's Another VIDEO to



The Fusion & Communion Session


Our first couples session – a two-hour integration of everything we’ve done so far:

We assess what’s needed to obliterate anything and everything that’s still in our way. You may be surprised to realize how many relationship issues are actually rooted in deeper lifelong patterns – that we can now finally heal – by learning how to truly, always, put love first.


Six More "Breakthrough-Only" Sessions!

These are 60-minute couples sessions – and I want a breakthrough every time!

  • We can double-up for 2-hour sessions if there’s a particularly complex issue.

  • We can mix it up with some additional individual sessions.

  • We can spread the sessions over a longer or shorter time period – no time limit or “expiration”.

  • Whatever guarantees you’re getting all the support you need!

Right now, I'm offering a

FREE 15 min. Consultation

*This premium Relationship Remedy™ service does not accept insurance.

Ray studied us as individuals and as a couple. He focused on the issues that needed to be resolved and successfully helped us work through them. Thank you Ray for being so supportive and nonjudgmental through the whole journey. He really creates an atmosphere where you feel comfortable opening up.


Loads of Extras

  • All of these sessions are supported and supplemented by special customized exercises, meditations, activities, and even personal videos, to bring out your relationship’s full potential – your NEW BEST LIFE TOGETHER!

  • We will explore every aspect of your relationship:

  • Communication

  • Finances

  • Intimacy

  • Parenting

  • In-Laws

Look: 👀 None of your issues will “magically” disappear unless you work all the way through them – so that’s exactly what we’ll do!

We’ll craft an amazing, absolutely fulfilling union between you.

This is what we’ve all longed for – myself included – ever since we were young. I have it with my own wife, and it is all I wish for you.

So What’s the Investment?


  • To save your marriage and change your life forever!

  • Ray becomes your Personal High-Ticket Relationship Coach, guiding you masterfully through the powerful and complete journey – into breakthrough, healing and beyond – that you're so ready for!

  • With a full-refund guarantee – no games, no B.S. – if you’re not happy with my work, I don’t want your money! But don’t worry, we’ll vet each other carefully – I don’t want to waste my time or yours!

  • And if your marriage isn’t worth 5 grand…you should definitely split up! (even though that will cost you 10 or 20 times that!)

  • Look, for 5 grand you could go on a vacation – bring all your unresolved misery to a hotel room with a view... or you could buy a new T.V. or some furniture – but your marriage will still be broken... Why don't you just FIX IT!

  • Of course you have to do the work!

  • Of course you have to be willing to grow and change!

  • Of course it's a process, that some need more time with than others.

  • Of course each couple is unique –

But my commitment to you is that you will know exactly how to create the life of love you’ve been longing for – what a relief!

I have the smarts, the skills, and the hard-won experience to get right to the heart of what you need, and share it with you in a way that feels right and makes sense.

I will bring all of my professional and spiritual energies to your cause –

We’ll AWAKEN the LOVE and LIGHT that’s been buried between you –

And Break Through to Rock-Solid CARE and CONNECTION for LIFE!

Come on – it’s time!

Who This is NOT For:

Addicts, personality disorders, people that just don’t want to do the work, people that think it’s all their partners fault, people that think 5 grand is a lot of money to spend on this service, people that hope that paying for this program will "prove" to their partner they are not being shady even though they really are, people that don’t believe and aspire to love peace and harmony, people that don’t believe its possible to change & grow and become kind…

Right now, I'm offering a

FREE 15 min. Consultation

*This premium Relationship Remedy™ service does not accept insurance.

My husband and I really didn’t not know what to expect from the marriage therapy but Ray exceeded our expectations and truly saved our marriage. We have done marriage counseling before and have some bad encounters, but the way Ray coaches you how to improve the communication in our relationship is way that you can imagine. He always available and care to answer your question, trust me he doesn’t waste time.

I’m Ray– the Founder of Relationship Remedy.

Ray Rivers, LCPC

I’m a clinical psychotherapist, a Sufi master teacher, a speaker and writer – and I’ve been with my wife Maria for 30 years.

The word I keep hearing from my clients is "REFRESHING" – Because I don't waste time!

My gift is the speed and depth with which my couples achieve real breakthroughs.

I have the straight-talk, wisdom, intuition & step-by-step guidance you're looking for.

I keep telling you –


*This premium Relationship Remedy™ service does not accept insurance.

Ray Rivers, LCPC - Google Reviews: 4.9 stars based upon 62 reviews
Rose drawing

Last Chance to Schedule a ...

FREE 15 min. Consultation

*This premium Relationship Remedy™ service does not accept insurance.

Rose drawing

©2024 RelationshipRemedy, LLC.

Ray Rivers, LCPC - Google Reviews: 4.9 stars based upon 62 reviews

Right now, I'm offering a

FREE 15 min. Consultation

*This premium Relationship Remedy™ service does not accept insurance.

©2024 RelationshipRemedy, LLC.