What’s the difference between a “power couple” and a “spiritual power couple”?
A “power couple” consists of “two people who are each influential and successful in their own right.”
That’s according to society’s standard-bearer for the English language, the Oxford English dictionary.
But there’s no Oxford definition for “spiritual power couple” – which is perfect – because spiritual power couples don’t “bear” society’s standards – they break free of them!
Their definition of “success” transcends any social status that they may have achieved – through their superior commitment to Love, Influence, and Legacy.
What does “Love” mean to a spiritual power couple?
Most couples, when they marry, would say they are “in love”.
They stimulate each other, they feel excited, alive, and turned on both physically and emotionally.
For “power couples” in the traditional sense, these feelings are intensified by the worldly “success” both enjoy.
However, you may have noticed that so many of these “in love” couples end up painfully divorcing – so where did the “love” go?
The spiritual reality is that the love is always there –
Because for a spiritual power couple, “love” does not refer to that mighty but fickle emotional force that comes and goes so unpredictably.
It is – rather – a profound state that feels clear and peaceful – and eternal. A spiritual couple are at home in the universe and with each other.
This deep inner peace seems hard to reach in today’s volatile world, no matter how most of us long for it.
For many “power couples” the relationship itself causes tension and stress.
Seeking relief, people do whatever they can, to find that “sweet spot” for just a few minutes or hours – they have spa days or consume media, they take walks or take drugs (prescribed or illegal) –
But for spiritual power couples, love is a state of consciousness that they live in and share with each other – and that they never leave.
This is because they have learned what it means to truly, always, put love first.
Specifically, that means that whenever a difficulty, a conflict, a challenge tries to come between them, they ask only one question: how do we resolve this with love?
They look within themselves for an answer, and they ask it of each other, in a spirit of collaboration and care.
And the very fact that this is all they ever do creates a reality in which all they ever feel with each other is emotional safety.
Unlike unconscious couples, every “conflict” transforms into an act of love – which both deepens the connection between them and makes them thrive as individuals.
It becomes what they can expect from each other – a sanctuary they can count on.
An overflowing wellspring of inner peace.
It also gives them problem-solving skills which give them a superior advantage in the “real world.”
This commitment is why they are a spiritual power couple:
Because putting love first is their true power.
This is the age of the “Influencer”, yes?
Celebrities (and “celebrities”) are followed and admired – their thought processes and attitudes internalized, mimicked.
Nothing new here – there have been leaders and followers since the beginning of time. Trends emerge from the universal subconscious, and soon everybody is doing it or saying it or dressing that way –
And then we’ve all moved on to the next new thing…
But the spiritual power couple has a different kind of influence:
They radiate an of essence of stability, grounded in eternal values – which resonates, heals and transforms.
The spiritual power couple recognizes that criticism, judgement, condemnation and impatience are all forms of emotional violence –
Which some influencers exploit to attract millions of followers…whipping up frenzied passionate outrage, like a pyromaniac sparking a fire –
Fueling toxic habits of thought and feeling that eventually take over the families and relationships and cultures of all who indulge.
But here’s the trick about violence: it is appealing and exciting in the abstract, which is why movies, tv shows, and other media have always been stuffed full of it –
But in real life: it leaves people feeling broken and sick. It is repellent and traumatizing.
And so leaders, and celebrities (and husbands and wives and parents) who leverage emotional violence as the source of their influence must inevitably leave damage and trauma in their wake.
People may fear them, but they don’t like them. And the notion that respect is based in fear is false: nobody truly respects someone who, at the core of their being, they are afraid of–for that is the definition of a bully.
But the spiritual power couple is not only beyond such manipulation, but they influence others as a force of good.
So while we are vulnerable to fear, our true nature is love.
It is love that we perpetually seek to know consciously (not only in the deepest regions of our psyche and spirit) – and to share with those who are most special to us.
The dynamic of power through fear and emotional exploitation plays out in families and relationships as surely as it does the greater society – and this is the cycle which the spiritual power couple break.
They are committed to purifying themselves of negative emotional habits – they see every challenge as an opportunity to deepen their connection and create greater stability.
In doing so, they break toxic cycles of fear, blame and selfishness which have typically been passed down through many generations.
They heal the past by loving in the present –
And that is how they establish a new foundation of emotional safety for the future for everyone in their sphere of influence –
And that is, ultimately, their enduring legacy.
We need spiritual power couples
Our world today is filled with conflict and disharmony – families too.
The culture of modern society seems more conflicted than ever, as if it is trying to seduce us all into choosing sides in one way or another – and fighting against perceived “opponents” –
But spiritual power couples influence everyone they meet through their commitment to cultivating and spreading their positive energy.
This is who they are with each other, and this is what they transmit to the world – so they not only influence others, but their very presence heals and transforms – because they have healed and transformed themselves:
-By not letting social-media norms of competition and negativity influence their thoughts and distort their connection
-By being true to each other’s hearts – not compromised by tribal, reactive, and conformist impulses which confuse so many relationships
-By putting love first all the time, as a way of life, and sharing that freedom with others as an inspirational model
This is the pinnacle of what a marriage is supposed to be on the human journey – because the reason we marry in the first place is to know love.
Every couple is a spiritual power couple, once they break free from all the outside influences and learn how to trust and deepen their connection.
There is no freedom like being true to yourselves – and each other – in this sacred way.